Products with [Cannot be ordered with other products] in the product name will be shipped from a different warehouse. Therefore, they cannot be bundled with products that do not have this description. Although simultaneous ordering is possible due to the system, in that case, we will cancel your order. As a result of the cancellation, points and the application of various campaigns will be canceled, but we will not be able to accept any order conditions or compensation or compensation for points. In addition, when you place a new order, the item may be sold out or the campaign conditions may be different. Shimano Spaza Lite 35L with casters Red NS-E35Y (Cooler box fishing medium size)
Model number: NS-E35Y
Capacity (L): 35
External dimensions (mm): 794 x 347 x 320
Internal dimensions (mm): 592 x 252 x 230
Weight (kg): 6.5
Shimano Cooler box fishing medium size
Delivery Definition, Ensure Services
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